Category Archives: Map View

Locate Now

  1. In the Map View, select the vehicle/device to locate
  2. Click on the “Locate Now” icon on the taskbar.



  1. In the Map View, select the vehicle/device to locate. Click on the blue arrow
  2. An information bubble will appear next to the selected vehicle
  3. Click on “Locate Now” button

To access Google maps and get a satellite view of the location click on the latitude and longitude coordinates on the information bubble.


Enable Starter

  1. In the Map View, select  the vehicle/device
  2. Click on the “Enable Starter” icon on the Toolbar



  1. In the Map View, select the vehicle/device to locate. Click on the blue arrow
  2. An information bubble will appear next to the selected vehicle
  3. Click on “Enable Starter” button


Disable Starter

  1. In the Map View, select  the vehicle/device
  2. Click on the “Disable Starter” icon on the Toolbar



  1. In the Map View, select the vehicle/device to locate. Click on the blue arrow
  2. An information bubble will appear next to the selected vehicle
  3. Click on “Disable Starter”


Batch Command

  1. Click on the “Batch Command” icon on the toolbar
  2. A new window will appear
  3. Click on “Upload CSV” select  the file and click on “Open”

The .csv file should contain the follow columns in this order: Unit Name, IMEI and Serial Number. Up to 100 records per file.


Repo Command

  1. In the Map View, select  the vehicle/device
  2. Click on the “Repo Mode” icon on the toolbar
  3. A new window will pop-up. Fill out and review the information
  4. Click on “Confirm Repo”



  1. Locate your vehicle/device.
  2. Click on your vehicle/device in the map. A new information bubble will appear. Click on “Repo”
  3. Follow steps 3 and 4


Quick Report

  1. In the Map View, select  the vehicle/device
  2. Click on the “Quick Report” icon on the toolbar



  1. In the Map View, select the vehicle/device to locate. Click on the blue arrow
  2. An information bubble will appear next to the selected vehicle
  3. Click on “Quick Report”
  4. A new window will appear
  5. Select the type of report desired

* The icon invalid-gpswill appear if the device is sending an invalid GPS message and the last valid signal will be displayed


Transfer Device

  1. In the Map View, select  the vehicle/device
  2. Click on the “Transfer Command” icon on the toolbar
  3. A new window will appear. Select between “Transfer inside my account” or “Transfer outside my account”
  4. Select the group to transfer the device
  5. Click on “Transfer”
  6. A new window will appear for review. Click on “Confirm Transfer”



  1. Locate your vehicle/device.
  2. Click on your vehicle/device in the map. A new information bubble will appear. Click on “Transfer”
  3. Follow steps 3 through 6
