Category Archives: Alerts

Create Alert(s)

  1. Click the “Alerts” icon on the toolbar
  2. Click on  “Add New Alert” button
  3. Click on “Add Device” button
  4. Type in the alert name
  5. Select the alert type from the drop-down box
  6. Fill out all required information. (Every alarm type has different fields)
  7. Check the information and click on “Save” button


Edit Alert(s)

  1. Click the “Alerts” icon on the toolbar
  2. Select the alarm to be edited
  3. Click on “edit” button
  4. Type and/or select the new information
  5. Review the information and click on “Save” or “Cancel”


Delete Alert(s)

  1. Click the “Alert” icon on the toolbar
  2. Select the alarm to be deleted and tick the checkbox to the left of the alarm name. If you want to delete all alerts, tick the checkbox at the very top of the list of alerts.
  3. Click on “Delete” button.
  4. A confirmation message will appear. Select “OK”

To delete all alerts, tick the checkbox located at the left side of the bar and then follow step 3
