Category Archives: Device Management

Upload Device

  1. Click the “Devices” icon on the toolbar.
  2. Click on the “Upload” icon
  3. Click on “Upload CSV” button. Select the desired CSV file and click on “Open”
  • The .cvs file without financial data should contain columns titled: Unit Name, Serial Number, VIN, and Stock Number in this order. Up to 100 records per file. Each row much contain data.
  • The .cvs file with financial data should contain columns titled: Loan Amount, Contract Date, Date Sold, Loan Term, Due Date, Current Balance, Payment Due, Last Payment Date, Last Payment Amount, and Days Past Due in this order.

Upload Device 1

Upload Device 2

Edit Device

  1. In the Map View, select the vehicle/device to edit. Click on the blue arrow. An information bubble will appear next to the selected vehicle. Click on “Edit Device” button


  1. Click the “Devices” icon on the toolbar. Select the vehicle to be edited. Click on “Edit” button
  2. Enter in all necessary information. This screen also has access to “Repo Mode”, “Transfer”, “Change Avatar,” and “Enable Payment Reminder.”
  3. Click on “Save Changes” button


Naming the Device/Vehicle

  1. In the Map View, select the vehicle/device to edit. Click on the blue arrow. An information bubble will appear next to the selected vehicle. Click on “Edit Device” button


  1. Click the “Devices” icon on the toolbar. Select the vehicle to be edited. Click on “Edit” button
  2. Type in the new name in the device name box
  3. Click on “Save Changes” button


Change Device/Vehicle Avatar

  1. In the Map View, select the vehicle/device to edit. Click on the blue arrow. An information bubble will appear next to the selected vehicle. Click on “Edit Device” button


  1. Click the “Devices” icon on the toolbar. Select the vehicle to be edited. Click on “Edit” button
  2. Click on “Change Avatar” button
  3. Select one of the pre-loaded images or click on “Upload your avatar” select  the image and then click on “Open”
  4. Click on “Save Changes” button


Customer Payment Reminder Notification

  1. In the Map View, select the vehicle/device to edit. Click on the blue arrow. An information bubble will appear next to the selected vehicle. Click on “Edit Device” button


  1. Click the “Devices” icon on the toolbar. Select the vehicle to be edited. Click on “Edit” button
  2. Click on “Payment Reminder” and the form will show up at the right of the screen
  3. Fill out and select all required information: notification method, payment schedule, reminders and notification message.
  4. Click on “Save Changes” button
